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Mogan STEM Suite V1.2.9 LTS

Mogan STEM Suite v1.2.9 LTS:

  • Mogan Research v1.2.9 LTS.

Important Changes

  • TMU: default to TMU format, use File->Export->TM Document to export the buffer as TM document
  • Font: bundle the Noto CJK fonts on macOS and Windows
  • Font: improve the rendering of brackets in math mode when language is CJK (OSPP 2024)
  • I18N: fix the encoding mess for French translations
  • Default:Edit->Preferences->Keyboard->Space bar in text mode defaults to Allow multiple spaces
  • Emacs shortcuts: Fix failure to use Alt+[ and Alt+] for undo and redo in math mode
  • Plugins:
    • Gnuplot: rework based on Goldfish Scheme, no longer depends on Python
    • Goldfish: new launcher for learning SICP with built-in constants and functions like false, true, nil
  • Community:
    • Planet:navigate to the related index tmu doc according to the interface language

Changes for Developer

  • Upgrade Goldfish Scheme to v17.10.4
  • Upgrade S7 Scheme to v10.12-20240813

Enjoy exploring science and technology!