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Installation Guide

The latest stable version is Mogan STEM Suite v1.2.6, you can check if there are new releases in the Help -> Welcome menu entry.

Official Packages

ProductOperating SystemDownload
Mogan Research v1.2.6Windows installer (>=10)⏬ Download
Mogan Research v1.2.6Windows portable (>=10)⏬ Download
Mogan Research v1.2.6macOS (>=12)⏬ Download
Mogan Research v1.2.6macOS arm64 (>=13)⏬ Download
Mogan Research v1.2.6Ubuntu 24.04⏬ Download
Mogan Research v1.2.6Ubuntu 22.04⏬ Download
Mogan Research v1.2.6Debian 12⏬ Download

SHA256 checksum:

13470c2e8484e5dfdc7d2dedc10e30413c8561ba9011ce41896c0cf3966b4652  MoganResearch-v1.2.6-64bit-installer.exe
a34f8679117d1a18660d10f36fa44d9d86709ab53f57a4cfb73d4b4a0c00cecb  MoganResearch-v1.2.6-arm.dmg
9d2efc2521235bc5166a086c59e803fac4b13d096b9f0449d39d00edfa46d470  MoganResearch-v1.2.6.dmg
7f6abaa4f81bf610ca437c5762845bb0331aed92d07133c7c4025e435931d602  mogan-research-v1.2.6-debian12.deb
3f94a0e7ef8d99b767d58e7cba6dae2593797271a4391a837cf22ee205d45ade  mogan-research-v1.2.6-ubuntu22.04.deb
cfd3ce32c1bdb9efb3f34a5a06fa567dd5624c93357df04290f06bcd7c5d179b  mogan-research-v1.2.6-ubuntu24.04.deb

Mogan STEM Suite:

  • Mogan Research (installers on Windows/macOS/Ubuntu/Debian)
  • Mogan Code (no installer, still in development)
  • Mogan Beamer (no installer, still in development)

Other sites to download:

Here are installation steps for various system:

Debian 12

Download the official deb and then:

sudo apt install ./mogan-research-v1.2.6-debian12.deb

Ubuntu 20.04/Ubuntu 22.04

Download the official deb and then

# For ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt install ./mogan-research-v1.2.6-ubuntu20.04.deb

# For ubuntu 22.04
sudo apt install ./mogan-research-v1.2.6-ubuntu22.04.deb

GNU Guix

guix install mogan

More info:

Note: CJK characters in the menu might be displayed improperly, please learn how to configure a Guix OS.


winget install -e --id XmacsLabs.Mogan

More info on winget:

Arch Linux (AUR)

yay -S mogan

More info:

openSUSE (OBS)

Use the default package management tool zypper:

zypper addrepo
zypper refresh
zypper install Mogan

Or, use the OBS package installer opi:

opi Mogan

More info:

Enjoy exploring science and technology!